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Fernández-Rilo AC, Forte N, Palomba L, Tunisi L, Piscitelli F, Imperatore R, Di Constanzo A, Di Marzo V, Cristino L. (2023). Orexin induces the production of an endocannabinoid-derived lysophosphatidic acid eliciting hypothalamic synaptic loss in obesity. Mol Met.


Forte N, Marfella B, Fernández-Rilo AC, Piscitelli F, De Girolamo P, Di Costanzo A, Di Marzo V and CristinoL (2022). A positive association between plasmatic levels of Orexin A and endocannabinoid 2-AG-derived lysophosphatidic acid 2-AGP in Alzheimer's Disease. Front in Aging Neurosc


Forte N, Boccella S, Tunisi L, Fernández-Rilo AC, Imperatore R, Iannotti FA, De Risi M, Iannotta M, Piscitelli F, Capasso R, De Girolamo P, De Leonibus E, Maione S, Di Marzo V, Cristino L. (2021). Orexin-A and endocannabinoids are involved in obesity-associated alteration of hippocampal neurogenesis, plasticity, and episodic memory in mice. Nat Comm


Tunisi L, D'Angelo L, Fernández-Rilo AC, Forte N, Piscitelli F, Imperatore R, de Girolamo P, Di Marzo V, Cristino L. (2021). Orexin-A/Hypocretin-1 Controls the VTA-NAc Mesolimbic Pathway via Endocannabinoid-Mediated Disinhibition of Dopaminergic Neurons in Obese Mice. Front Synaptic Neurosci 


Edwards JG, Cristino L, Covey DP. (2021). Editorial: The Emerging Role of Endocannabinoids in Synaptic Plasticity, Reward, and Addiction. Front Synaptic Neurosci


Cristino L, Bisogno T, Di Marzo V. (2020). Cannabinoids and the expanded endocannabinoid system in neurological disorders. Nat Rev Neurol


Tunisi L, Forte N, Fernández-Rilo AC, Mavaro I, Capasso R, D'Angelo L, Milić N, Cristino L, Di Marzo V, Palomba L. (2019). Orexin-A Prevents Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Neuroinflammation at the Level of the Intestinal Barrier. Front Endocrinol


Becker TM, Favero M, Di Marzo V, Cristino L, Busetto G. (2017). Endocannabinoid-dependent disinhibition of orexinergic neurons: Electrophysiological  evidence in leptin-knockout obese mice. Mol Metab.


Morello G, Imperatore R, Palomba L, Finelli C, Labruna G, Pasanisi F, Sacchetti L, Buono L, Piscitelli F, Orlando P, Di Marzo V, Cristino L. (2016). Orexin-A represses satiety-inducing POMC neurons and contributes to obesity via stimulation of endocannabinoid signaling. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA


Imperatore R, Palomba L, Morello G., Di Spiezio A, Piscitelli F, Di Marzo V, Cristino L. (2016). Formation of OX-1R/CB1R heteromeric complexes in embryonic mouse hypothalamic cells: effect on intracellular calcium, 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol biosynthesis and ERK phosphorylation. Pharm. Res


Cristino L, Punzo D, Errico F, Sacchi S, Keller S, Belardo C et al. (2016). Age-related changes in D-aspartate oxidase promoter methylation control extracellular D-aspartate levels and prevent cell death during brain aging.  Journal of Neurosci


Cristino L, Luongo L, Imperatore R, Boccella S, Becker T, Morello G, Piscitelli F, Busetto G, Maione S, Di Marzo V. (2016). Orexin-A and endocannabinoid activation of the descending antinociceptive pathway underlies altered pain perception in leptin signalling deficiency. Neuropsychopharmacology


Imperatore R, Morello G, Luongo L, Taschler U, Romano R, De Gregorio D, Belardo C, Maione S, Di Marzo V, Cristino L.(2015) Genetic deletion of monoacylglycerol lipase leads to impaired cannabinoid receptor CB1 R signaling and anxiety-like behavior. J Neurochem


Cristino L, Luongo L, Squillace M, Paolone G, Mango D, Piccinin S, Zianni E, Imperatore R, Iannotta M, Longo F, Errico F, Vescovi AL, Morari M, Maione S, Gardoni F, Nisticò R, Usiello A. (2015). d-Aspartate oxidase influences glutamatergic system homeostasis in mammalian brain. Neurobiol Aging


Cristino L, Busetto G, Imperatore R, Ferrandino I, Palomba L, Silvestri C, Petrosino S, Orlando P, Bentivoglio M, Mackie K, Di Marzo V. (2013). Obesity-driven synaptic remodeling affects endocannabinoid control of orexinergic neurons. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA


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